Host Organization Networking Forum
Welcome to the CVITP host organization community’s Networking Forum. This is your space to share messages of general interest with other CVITP host organizations across Canada. (Not sure if your contribution is relevant? Check out the three purposes of this page here.)
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A CVITP Host Organization’s 2021 Tax Clinic Report & Why It’s Important

We are pleased to share with you a report prepared by the Prince Edward Learning Centre on their CVITP clinic for 2021. We will be sharing a few more of these as they become available. In the future, we will be offering our own version of what we consider to be the ideal elements of such a report.
We think host organizations should be preparing similar reports, where they have the resources. Many host organizations like to be able to calculate the monetary benefits generated for their clients (based on aggregated data sourced from client returns). Tax clinic coordinators would like these figures to be able to justify, at the very least to their own senior management, the time they put into organizing these clinics.
Some host organizations which receive donor contributions to help subsidize the costs of running their CVITP clinics also want these figures to be able to demonstrate to their donors how much money their contributions are helping to generate for clients.
We believe host organizations should also be preparing such reports to show their own CVITP volunteers the impact of their free labour which has been generously given. It is a concrete way that host organizations can demonstrate to their own volunteers that they are a valued resource.
Another reason host organizations should be preparing and publishing these reports is to provide evidence to their own boards of directors, other social services and citizens, and local leaders and politicians in their communities how their efforts are contributing to the financial well-being of their residents.