Notice of Assessment: Canada Revenue Agency’s New Grant Program

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently announced that it will, for the first time, be providing financial support to host organizations that run CVITP clinics.  As the CRA has previously denied that it could provide such support, this is an important change.  And in principle, it is one that we support.

However, the current pilot project, which offers $3.3 million a year over the next three years, is poorly designed, with no targeting (not in line with the purpose of the program), insufficient financing (unlikely to provide the intended incentive effects), and an administrative process that is burdensome (not exploiting the flexibilities available with the use of grant funding).

Recognizing that this three-year pilot project has yet to begin its first year of implementation, we make some suggested changes that we believe will significantly improve its impact.  We propose that the CRA:

  • Target its grant funding to ensure host organizations are providing support to those who need it the most;
  • Make the client income level a criterion, using the poverty line as the threshold;
  • Set a minimum percentage for a host organization’s client returns that must meet or fall below the poverty line to qualify for any grant funding;
  • Offer a larger financial incentive for returns filed by clients who had previously not filed for a number of years;
  • Establish and publicize the minimum percentage and the size of the financial incentive at the outset of the grant funding period;
  • Significantly increase the funding level per eligible return to provide for something approaching a real incentive;
  • Use the annual registration process for the approval of host organizations to collect all of the information required to assess the host organization’s eligibility for grant funding; and
  • Use the annual registration process for the approval of host organizations to notify eligible host organizations of the funding formula it will use to determine the amount of grant funding they could receive at the end of the eligible activity period.

We conclude this four-part series of short articles offering some thoughts on the challenges the CRA will face in assessing the impact of this pilot project.  Given the difficulty in surmounting these challenges, there is a risk that any growth in the numbers will be claimed as demonstrating the success of the pilot and used to justify maintaining this project with poor targeting, insufficient financial resources and cumbersome administrative arrangements.

2021 Tax Season – A Letter to the Minister

The Minister of National Revenue, the Honorable Diane Lebouthillier, is responsible for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).  We recently wrote to her to express our concern about the forthcoming tax season.  Without significant changes from the procedures and practices adopted in 2020 for the 2019 tax year, we worry that the CVITP experience this year will not be materially different from that of last year when CVITP operations were severely disrupted by COVID and many fewer clients were served than in recent years.

CVITP clinics will be operating under the same COVID related public health restrictions as in 2020.  Furthermore, as of now the CRA has given no indication that it will change the traditional filing deadline of April 30th to ensure the continuity beyond June 2021 of the many benefits which are conditional upon filing an up-to-date return.

In light of this, we make a number of suggestions.  Read our letter to the Minister here.

The Evolution of the CVITP – 2020 Update

We find two sources of 2020 data from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) publications that allow us to update CVITP trends on the numbers of individuals assisted, returns filed, volunteers employed and host organizations offering free tax clinics.

In this article, we show and briefly discuss: (1) the dramatic decline in individuals assisted; (2) the continuing modest upward trend in the average number of returns filed per client; (3) a modest decline in the number of volunteers registered, which may mask a collapse in the number of volunteers who were actually employed in providing services in virtual clinics; (4) a modest increase in the number of host organizations registered which may similarly mask a collapse in the number of host organizations which actually offered services through virtual clinics; and (5) a continued decline in the average number of volunteers employed per host organization.  This last trend may be an early sign of future capacity constraints within the CVITP.

How do I file a client’s returns for prior years?

Volunteers are usually asked to file a client’s income tax and benefit return for the most recent tax year.  However, there are also instances where volunteers may be asked to file prior years’ returns for a client who has skipped one or more tax year filings.  In this article, we describe, in a series of steps, what we’ve learned from helping clients to file for prior years.

Canada Revenue Agency Report Deserves a Failing Grade

Like all federal government departments and agencies, each year the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) produces a report for Parliament after the end of the fiscal year.  This report details what the CRA has done with the money Parliament has budgeted for its operations.  This is the only report that parliamentarians and the Canadian public will see that shows what the CRA has done in the last fiscal year to meet its mandate.

This year is no different.  On December 7, 2020, the CRA published online its Departmental Results Report for fiscal year 2019-2020.  In this article, we review what the CRA has to say in the report about the results it is getting with the CVITP and its work on encouraging previous non-filers to file a return in order to access benefits to which they are entitled.  We show that there is remarkably little information.

Although the CVITP was created in 1971, fifty years later it remains next to impossible to tell what the CVITP has achieved in relation to its objective of assisting individuals and families of low and modest incomes to submit their returns and thereby become eligible for a number of benefits and credits introduced by federal, provincial and territorial legislatures aimed at reducing poverty.  The little information that is included suggests a massive failure this year; yet, there is no analysis showing the implications of this failure and how the CRA plans to avoid a similar result in the forthcoming tax season.

This is especially disappointing given that the federal government’s 2018 Poverty Reduction Strategy highlighted the role that the CVITP is supposed to be playing in contributing to reducing poverty across Canada.  We conclude with an observation: if the rest of the information contained in the CRA’s report is anything like what the CRA has included for the CVITP and its non-filer initiative, then Canadians should be seriously concerned about the bases on which parliamentarians are making decisions allocating billions of dollars from the federal budget to finance the CRA’s annual operations.

Getting Good Results

In this series of articles, we begin by reviewing the purpose of the CVITP. While the Canada Revenue Agency publications do not give a formal purpose, we look through recent government references to the CVITP and suggest that its purpose is to help individuals on modest and low incomes, and especially vulnerable individuals, to file their income tax and benefit returns.

We then ask whether or not the CVITP is achieving this purpose.  We conclude that the information provided in the Canada Revenue Agency’s current results framework for the CVITP is not useful because it does not tell us if the program is serving the intended population.  Furthermore, the results the Canada Revenue Agency reports on, based on this framework, do not enable us to know if recent budget increases for the CVITP are helping it to reach a greater proportion of its intended population.

To address these weaknesses, we propose an alternate results framework for the CVITP.  We believe it holds more promise for providing the Canada Revenue Agency with results data which will allow for more strategic decision-making, better ensuring the CVITP lives up to its stated intention.

Client or Volunteer Error? Promoting Learning and Improving Service Quality

Volunteers make mistakes in filling out client returns. After all, to err is human. Here is what the Canada Revenue Agency could be doing to promote learning among its volunteers while improving CVITP service quality. At the same time, it would demonstrate a commitment to further protecting the integrity and reputation of the CVITP which encompasses its host organizations and volunteers.

Supporting Host Organizations Better

The federal government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy identifies the CVITP as one of its programs that contributes to achieving its goal of reducing poverty in Canada.  This is because the annual income tax and benefit return processed by the CVITP serves as the basis for establishing eligibility for and maintaining access to many federal and provincial/territorial benefits and credits, some of which are income-tested. 

Set up by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the CVITP is a free return preparation and filing service offered, in 2019, by over 3,500 host organizations to some 741,000 low and modest-income individuals filing 835,216 returns with the assistance of over 19,000 volunteers.  Yet the CRA provides no financial support to assist host organizations with any of the costs they incur to make this possible.  Instead, it encourages host organizations to do their own independent fundraising.  This has not proven to be a successful nor sustainable solution.

To maintain and improve CVITP services, the CRA should be providing direct financial support to host organizations.  It should also spin off some of the CVITP related services it currently provides to an independent not-for-profit unit, financed through a service contract with the CRA.  This independent unit could provide these as well as other new CVITP related services not presently available to host organizations.

This proposed arrangement is in keeping with current federal government practice wherein federal services to the public delivered by independent parties receive some financial support.  In the absence of such a change, host organizations will continue to struggle to maintain the current level of service and will not be positioned to improve their CVITP services in line with CRA expectations.  Furthermore, the entire CVITP operation will remain at risk, as was evidenced this year when COVID related public health restrictions temporarily shut them down and willing host organizations moved to more labour intense “virtual clinics”.

Read here to learn more about the difficult conditions in which host organizations currently operate and why this severely limits the potential of the CVITP, one form that CRA financial support to host organizations could take, and why there is also the need for an independent unit as well as what it could be do to help fulfill the potential of the CVITP.

The Issue of Non-filers

Conservative estimates suggest there are over 1 million eligible people in Canada who do not file annually.  A significant number, perhaps the majority, are individuals living on very low incomes.  Because they do not file, they are missing out on important federal and provincial/territorial benefits.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently introduced an initiative to encourage low-income non-filers to file their income tax and benefit returns.  However, the success rate for this initiative is pitifully low.

This article suggests why the CRA should and how it could work with CVITP host organizations to significantly increase the number of low-income non-filers who decide to file returns.

Automatic Tax Filing: a Solution or a Problem?

The most recent Speech from the Throne contained a reference to the introduction of automatic tax filing of returns.  We believe that the process of moving toward automatic filing will take some time as the federal government will first have to negotiate changes with the provinces and territories; many income tax and benefit returns will remain too complicated to be filed automatically; and automatic return preparation may be a more appropriate way to think of the change as people will still have to agree to the results before their returns can be filed.  Consequently, even when automatic filing is eventually introduced, we think that CVITP clinics will remain an essential service for many clients with low or modest incomes.

Read more about why we think this here.

How well are your CVITP clinics targeted to clients who need this service the most?

For many CVITP host organizations, the demand for free clinic services exceeds the supply of volunteer time available to prepare returns.  The income ceilings suggested by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) are an established way of limiting access to this free service.  This article compares the income ceilings suggested by CVITP with the incomes that make up poverty lines and finds that, with a few exceptions, the former are generally greater than the latter.  Host organizations which want to target their services to those who need it the most may wish to use income ceilings that are more closely aligned with the poverty lines for their region.

To learn more, you can read the full article here.

A Primer on Canada’s Official Poverty Line and Why It Matters to the CVITP

Canada’s Poverty Reduction Strategy gives time-bound targets for making progress in reducing poverty linked to one indicator.  This suggests that the federal government can be held accountable for its efforts in achieving these time-bound targets.  The indicator it uses is an official poverty line.  The official poverty line is a uniquely income-based concept.  The targets are as follows:

By 2020, the poverty rate will be reduced by 20% from its 2015 level, and

By 2030, the poverty rate will be reduced by 50% from its 2015 level (aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)

In other words, the official poverty line can be used to calculate the poverty rate: the percentage of the population with an annual income lying below this line at a particular point in time forms the poverty rate.

In an article entitled A Primer on Canada’s Official Poverty Line and Why It Matters to the CVITP, we explore what the official poverty line is and how it is used to determine poverty rates.  In the conclusion, we draw the CVITP’s connection with this official poverty line.  As you will see, the income tax and benefit returns processed by the CVITP play a crucial role in helping to raise clients’ incomes relative to the official poverty line.

The Evolution of the CVITP

In a series of articles, we trace the evolution of the CVITP, using information from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reports and plans for Parliament. Our articles tell you about the clients served by the CVITP tax clinics, the returns that have been filed at the these clinics, the CVITP volunteers who have helped clients to file their returns and the organizations which have hosted CVITP tax clinics.

Learn why we reach the conclusion that “the CRA’s reporting on the CVITP has been weak to date and gives Parliament too little information.

Interested? Start with the introduction to “The Evolution of the CVITP”.

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