Category Archives: Returns

Recent developments for returns

Why You Should Tell Clients the Benefit Estimates in Their Returns

We have been advised on more than one occasion by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) staff not to share with our CVITP clients the estimates of their benefits, provided in the return prepared by Ufile, because they are not always accurate.

On the contrary, we see two reasons why it is important to provide the estimates.

First, we have found it to be a useful check on any mistakes that we might have made.  As the client will know if the amounts differ substantially from what they have been receiving in the past, they will tell us if they think there’s something that doesn’t sound right.

Second, the client’s main motivation for filing a return is not to pay income tax as most of our clients don’t pay any income tax.  It is to maintain their benefits.  They want to know what they are going to be getting if their return is filed.  We always indicate that these are estimates only and that the CRA will provide the client with notices indicating the final amounts once their return has been processed.  Our clients usually understand this distinction.

After reviewing the results of our calculations with the client and obtaining permission to file their return, we print out the pages listing the estimated benefits and provide this to the client with the rest of their return.  The tax summary lists things like the Canada Workers Benefit and the refund which are also subject to adjustment by the CRA during processing.   So even if we took the CRA agents’ advice and did not provide the estimate of some benefits, others would still show up on their return.

For us to say to our clients that the CRA has advised us not to provide them with this information because it might not be accurate would be totally unacceptable to many of them.  It also presumes they cannot be trusted to understand the distinction between an estimate and the final amount as determined by the CRA.

We also find it strange as the reverse is not true: we are never advised to avoid sharing with our clients any amount they might owe in taxes because the calculation might not be accurate. When the CRA starts preparing automatic returns in its pilot next year, we hope that it does not follow its own advice.  This is because we believe the response rate will be lower – or at the very least the CRA will get a lot more queries from recipients – if they have not received estimates of their benefits at the same time.

How Many People Failed to File a 2021 Return?

This is the first article in a three-part series.  This article argues that, while the number of current non-filers may not be as large as some popular estimates, the number is still very large and represents a serious drag on the federal government’s poverty reduction objectives.

Robson and Schwartz estimate 10-12% of Canadian residents eligible to file a return failed to do so in 2015.  While this estimate continues to circulate in the media today, other estimates suggest the non-filer rate has fallen significantly since then.  Using one of the more intuitive methods employed by Robson and Schwarz, we estimate that the non-filer rate had dropped to around 4.8% by 2021.  However, this still means that approximately 1.5 million Canadian residents eligible to file a return failed to do so in 2021.  As most of these were low-income residents, many missed claiming federal and provincial or territorial income-tested benefits designed to reduce poverty.  Getting these residents to file a return will be key to meeting the federal government’s objectives laid out in its 2018 Poverty Reduction Strategy.

The next two articles will propose elements of a strategy whereby the CRA could make more effective use of the CVITP to reduce the number of non-filers, making an important contribution to poverty reduction.

Why Every Volunteer Should Learn How to Use “Autofill My Return”

First introduced by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in 2017, Autofill My Return (AFR) is a great innovation.  We use it all the time.

But when we speak with other volunteers about AFR, we are struck by the large number, many of them quite experienced, who continue not to use it.  (The CVITP end-of-season survey results for 2022  corroborates this picture of low usage: only 35% of survey respondents confirmed that they made use of AFR.)

When we ask why they don’t use it, two of the most common complaints we hear are that it is too complicated and that it takes too much time to use.

This article outlines nine reasons why we think every volunteer should learn how to use AFR.   Let us know if there’s a reason we’ve missed.  We also want to hear from clinic coordinators as to why they think their organizations can offer satisfactory CVITP services without insisting that their volunteers use AFR.  

The Evolution of the CVITP – 2022 Update

Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) recently released Departmental Results Report for fiscal year 21/22 allows us to complete the 2022 update for the evolution of the CVITP.  We have divided this subject into three short articles.  The first focuses on the results from delivering CVITP service to clients.  It includes all the data with accompanying commentary on individuals assisted, returns filed and value generatedThe second focuses on the CVITP infrastructure needed to provide this service.  It also provides all the data with accompanying commentary on host organizations and volunteersThe third is a new feature which provides some simple measures of CVITP productivity.

Short on time?  Here are the key developments:


  • While the CRA calls the number for individuals assisted in the 2022 tax season an approximation, it is roughly the same as in the 2021 tax season; in other words, there has been no increase in service.  The 2021 tax season saw a partial rebound in numbers after the sharp decline in 2020 but it was still well below the numbers reached in 2016 and far from the peak in 2019. 
  • The trend for returns filed largely mirrors that of individuals assisted.
  • While the CVITP was making progress in filing more of its clients’ prior year returns up until and including the 2020 tax season, its performance in this area declined in 2022.
  • For the first time, the CRA has reported in its Departmental Result Report on value of the refund and benefits generated through the CVITP.  This is a very welcome development, and we hope that the CRA continues this practice in the future.  As the main rationale for offering a CVITP clinic is not to help individuals pay income tax but to help them maintain access to many poverty-reducing benefits, this figure provides tangible evidence of the real value generated for CVITP clients.


  • The number of host organizations offering CVITP service has largely rebounded in the 2022 tax season following the precipitous decline due to COVID health restrictions.
  • The trend in volunteers has been in decline since it peaked in the 2019 tax season.  The small rebound in the CRA count for 2022 is, we believe, misleading.  This is due to an unusual interpretation which the CRA makes in whom it classifies as a volunteer.  In partially correcting for this with an adjusted estimate, we show that the small rebound in 2022 is illusory and that the number of volunteers continues to decline.


  • Averages of individuals assisted and returns filed per volunteer fully rebound to the peaks achieved in the 2017 tax season.
  • Averages of individuals assisted and returns filed per host organization are only 70% and 71% respectively of the peaks achieved in the 2017 tax season.

For further analysis, charts with trends, tables with data and their sources, see:

The Evolution of the CVITP – 2021 Final Edition

This is a follow up to our early edition on the evolution of the CVITP in 2021.  We consider the CRA’s annual Departmental Results Report the gold standard for CRA reporting because the report is submitted to Parliament.  Even then, data on all four elements – clients, returns, volunteers and host organizations – is hard to come by.  It is growing increasingly difficult for Parliament, the public and the host organizations and volunteers directly involved in making the CVITP a reality to know what’s happening.

In our article, we briefly discuss the numbers and their sources.  We show that the number of clients served rebounded by 43% from the spectacular low of the 2020 tax season.  (Remember: that was the season when host organizations had to stop offering in-person CVITP clinics due to the COVID health restrictions.)  Nevertheless, the number of clients served was still well below the peak achieved during the 2019 tax season.  As the CRA did not report consistently on the number of returns filed, we can only assume that it was greater than the number of clients served.  But we don’t know by how much.

Although the CRA did not report formally on the number of volunteers, we find a number in a statement by the Minister of National Revenue which suggests it declined substantially from the number reported for the 2020 tax season.  The number reported for host organizations represents a spectacular decline from the 2020 tax season.  We note that the numbers provided by the CRA for volunteers and host organizations in the 2020 tax season are misleading in that they likely included those registered with the CRA at the beginning of the season rather than those who were able to adapt to CVITP virtual clinics.  Furthermore, the 2021 figure for volunteers is simply too high to be credible.  In any event, the declines in the number of volunteers and of host organizations over the 2020 and 2021 tax seasons is deeply troubling.

CRA Data and Analysis Suggestions for a More Effective CVITP Strategy

As mentioned in a previous article, one priority in her Supplementary Mandate Letter from the Prime Minister (dated January 2021) instructs the Minister of National Revenue to “enhance and expand the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program”.  One thing the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can do to help achieve this is through placing greater emphasis on another priority mentioned in the same letter, instructing Minister Lebouthillier to “improve the collection and analysis of disaggregated data related to supports and services offered by the CRA.”

Data needs to be collected and analyzed for at least two reasons.  First, to confirm whether or not the CVITP is meeting its intended objective.  And second, where the CVITP is falling short of its intended objective, to help devise strategies to ensure the program can better meet its intended objective.

We think the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) currently has two related problems with respect to CVITP data.  First, it collects the wrong data and publishes too little of what it does collect.  Second, this means the CRA focuses on doing the wrong things.

In this two-part series of articles, we look at data and its use in formulating strategy.

In the first article, entitled “First, the CRA Needs to Collect and Analyze the CORRECT Data”, we examine the data that is collected and analyzed on clients and their returns.  We begin with the uncontroversial observation that data needs to be collected and analysed to confirm whether or not the CVITP is meeting its intended objective.  We then refer to a previous article in which we argued that the CRA presently collects and reports CVITP results data which are not aligned with the purpose and in which we offered alternative performance indicators which we believe do a better job of this.  We also look at the data the CRA currently collects on CVITP host organizations and volunteers – what we call the delivery infrastructure – and make some modest suggestions for additional data to be collected through the annual registration process just prior to the tax season.

In the second article, entitled “Then, the CRA Needs to Build a Strategy With a Focus on Improving EFFICIENCY”, we look at how all this data can be used to devise strategies to ensure the CVITP can better meet its intended objective.  The combination of analyses of data on CVITP results and delivery infrastructure can help to inform the choice of actions to be taken.  The strategic priority we focus on is increasing the number of CVITP clients.  We argue that the CRA should place greater emphasis on increasing efficiencies within the existing delivery infrastructure over increasing the size of the delivery infrastructure.  A few examples are offered to illustrate how data on results and delivery infrastructure could be used to do this.

Observations From Helping Chronic Non-filers to File

One host organization we work with as CVITP volunteers has good connections with other social services in the local community and, through those connections, identifies chronic non-filers who are now seeking to file. A number of these cases have been forwarded to us to work on.  This article covers some issues we have identified when filing for these chronic non-filers.  It also highlights issues raised that the CVITP is not designed to handle but which can impact on the client’s situation.  This article does not cover the mechanics of how to file for these individuals; information on this can be found in our article “How do I file a client’s returns for prior years?

The Evolution of the CVITP – 2020 Update

We find two sources of 2020 data from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) publications that allow us to update CVITP trends on the numbers of individuals assisted, returns filed, volunteers employed and host organizations offering free tax clinics.

In this article, we show and briefly discuss: (1) the dramatic decline in individuals assisted; (2) the continuing modest upward trend in the average number of returns filed per client; (3) a modest decline in the number of volunteers registered, which may mask a collapse in the number of volunteers who were actually employed in providing services in virtual clinics; (4) a modest increase in the number of host organizations registered which may similarly mask a collapse in the number of host organizations which actually offered services through virtual clinics; and (5) a continued decline in the average number of volunteers employed per host organization.  This last trend may be an early sign of future capacity constraints within the CVITP.

How do I file a client’s returns for prior years?

Volunteers are usually asked to file a client’s income tax and benefit return for the most recent tax year.  However, there are also instances where volunteers may be asked to file prior years’ returns for a client who has skipped one or more tax year filings.  In this article, we describe, in a series of steps, what we’ve learned from helping clients to file for prior years.

Canada Revenue Agency Report Deserves a Failing Grade

Like all federal government departments and agencies, each year the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) produces a report for Parliament after the end of the fiscal year.  This report details what the CRA has done with the money Parliament has budgeted for its operations.  This is the only report that parliamentarians and the Canadian public will see that shows what the CRA has done in the last fiscal year to meet its mandate.

This year is no different.  On December 7, 2020, the CRA published online its Departmental Results Report for fiscal year 2019-2020.  In this article, we review what the CRA has to say in the report about the results it is getting with the CVITP and its work on encouraging previous non-filers to file a return in order to access benefits to which they are entitled.  We show that there is remarkably little information.

Although the CVITP was created in 1971, fifty years later it remains next to impossible to tell what the CVITP has achieved in relation to its objective of assisting individuals and families of low and modest incomes to submit their returns and thereby become eligible for a number of benefits and credits introduced by federal, provincial and territorial legislatures aimed at reducing poverty.  The little information that is included suggests a massive failure this year; yet, there is no analysis showing the implications of this failure and how the CRA plans to avoid a similar result in the forthcoming tax season.

This is especially disappointing given that the federal government’s 2018 Poverty Reduction Strategy highlighted the role that the CVITP is supposed to be playing in contributing to reducing poverty across Canada.  We conclude with an observation: if the rest of the information contained in the CRA’s report is anything like what the CRA has included for the CVITP and its non-filer initiative, then Canadians should be seriously concerned about the bases on which parliamentarians are making decisions allocating billions of dollars from the federal budget to finance the CRA’s annual operations.

Client or Volunteer Error? Promoting Learning and Improving Service Quality

Volunteers make mistakes in filling out client returns. After all, to err is human. Here is what the Canada Revenue Agency could be doing to promote learning among its volunteers while improving CVITP service quality. At the same time, it would demonstrate a commitment to further protecting the integrity and reputation of the CVITP which encompasses its host organizations and volunteers.

The Evolution of the CVITP

In a series of articles, we trace the evolution of the CVITP, using information from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reports and plans for Parliament. Our articles tell you about the clients served by the CVITP tax clinics, the returns that have been filed at the these clinics, the CVITP volunteers who have helped clients to file their returns and the organizations which have hosted CVITP tax clinics.

Learn why we reach the conclusion that “the CRA’s reporting on the CVITP has been weak to date and gives Parliament too little information.

Interested? Start with the introduction to “The Evolution of the CVITP”.